Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Just another day...

I awake to my morning cup...

he pulls me up

I sip it down

as he strokes my head.

an hour later the weariness fades

I find him feeding the rest...

he just amazes me.

Day after day.

He grabs his phone

in a rush

and stops right at the door,

remembering, he draws me close...

and yahoos turn away, giggling...

Every day. Day after day.

Some days drag and some days fly

the yahoos and I

piece it together


the sun hangs low in the western sky

and the weariness creeps in

We hear the dear

familier sounds

that greet us every day

day after day

at the end of the day.

and the yahoos cheer

craziness ensues...

He is home.


I am so glad

he is home.


Annesta said...

So very beautiful...really lovely, Kat!

Kat said...

Thank you, sweetie.
Your kind words always warm my heart!