Monday, July 18, 2011

Going Without

For the last two summers these two have experienced amazing adventures in the Canadian Wilderness.
They were excited about going again this summer.
But God had a different plan.

I'll let you know more about that next week.
Today I am counting the hours and minutes along with the blessings.

161. Jeff and Mac
162. The Yahoos
163.  Air-conditioning
164.  Quiet play time
165.  Smart phones
166.  Neighbors
167.  Grammy visits
168.  Weekly Lunch with Patty
169.  Sprinklers
170.  A Good Book


The dB family said...

Lol! The Yahoos! I like that! Looking forward to hearing God's other plan.


Annesta said...

I'm with Deborah...on pins and needles waiting for the rest of the story.